I Dream of Passing on My Knowledge
A portrait of Dr. Rüdiger Dahlke for the “1 in 6 by 2030” international photo project
About “1 in 6 by 2030”
1 in 6 by 2030 is a collaborative project, that brings together photographers from around the world, to put a human face on one of the most important "statistics" of our time — the fact that by the year 2030, 1 in 6 people in the world will be over the age of 60.
Another one states, that workers over the age of 55 are set to equal one quarter of the global labour force by the year 2030. Continuing to work, or to retire, can be a choice or a necessity, depending on a variety of circumstances. The photo series show how people organise this stage of life.
Work or retire?
My work depicts the 72-year-old author and physician Dr. Rüdiger Dahlke, known and regarded internationally for his holistic "Integral Medicine" approach. He has continued working without needing to financially. Have a look at his personal statement on the website of 1 in 6 by 2030 .
I went to Austria last autumn to portray him, during a wine-tasting, food fasting and hiking seminar with about 40 participants, mainly from Germany.
Wine-tasting, fasting and hiking
We were hiking on long trails every day through the hilly, often steep, beautiful landscape of the Styria, a region with many vineyards. We were tasting wine without eating anything, which led to a quite funny and light-headed atmosphere in the group.
Instead of staying 2 days as planned, I stayed a week in TamanGa, a most lovely and powerful healing centre. I appreciated the seminar program with yoga, meditation and daily teachings by Ruediger. In this way, I had enough settings to photograph and got in touch with the crew and the participants on a deeper level.
Further reading:
Stanford Center on Longevity’s New Map of Life initiative
Weltbevölkerungsbericht 2024
INED-Institut national d’études démographiques
Relaunch of my website photo-lebrun.de
I’ve relaunched my website with new photo series and a fresh design. (Right now you are reading my Substack blog, which is a different website). At the moment it is only in English. The French and German versions will follow soon.